Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of the IJIH Publication Policy is to define and establish rules regarding the functioning and composition of the International Journal of Intangible Heritage hereinafter, IJIH). The IJIH will be a joint publication between the National Folk Museum of Korea (hereinafter, NFMK), the International Council of Museums (hereinafter, ICOM) and the National Committee of ICOM Korea (hereinafter, ICOM Korea).

Article 2 (Definition)

The IJIH is a thematic academic and professional journal, published annually in English and Korean and dedicated to promoting understanding of all aspects of intangible heritage worldwide, as well as communicating research and examples of good professional practice.

Article 3 (Governing Structure)

The IJIH Governing Structure is composed of one (1) Governing Board; one (1) Editorial Committee and the IJIH Secretariat.

Article 4 (Governing Board)

4.1. Organisation and composition of the Governing Board

  1. (1) The Governing Board shall consist of not less than seven (7) and not more than nine (9) members, including the ICOM Director General as an ex-officio member.
  2. (2) The Chair of the Governing Board shall be the current serving President of ICOM. The current serving Director General of the NFMK shall serve as Vice-Chair of the Governing Board. The Vice-Chair shall convene and chair meetings in the event of the absence of the ICOM President.
  3. (3) The Governing Board Members shall be appointed by NFMK with the recommendation from ICOM, ICOM KOREA and NFMK. They will serve a three (3) year term of office and are permitted to serve a second consecutive term. If the term of office of the ICOM President and/or the Director General of the NFMK ends before their term of office within the Governing Board, the next ICOM President and/or the next Director General of the NFMK shall succeed them for the remaining term of office.
  4. (4) Each Governing Board Member, including the Chair of the Governing Board and the ICOM Director General, shall be entitled to one (1) vote. In the event of a deadlock, the ICOM President shall be entitled to exercise a casting vote. If the Chair cannot exercise his/her casting vote, the Vice-Chair shall exercise the casting vote.

4.2. Duties of the Governing Board

  1. (1) The Governing Board will be responsible for strategy and for deciding on the relevance and introduction of any new policies.
  2. (2) Following the recommendations of the Editorial Committee, the Governing Board shall decide on the annual theme of the IJIH in consultation with ICOM, ICOM-Korea and the NFKM.
  3. (3) The Governing Board shall meet once a year. Upon consultation between the Chair of the Governing Board and the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Committee may be invited to join that meeting.
  4. (4) The members of the Governing Board shall advise on matters of editorial direction and publication of the IJIH.
  5. (5) The Governing Board may nominate candidates for the Editorial Committee.

Article 5 (Editorial Committee)

5.1. Organisation and composition of the Editorial Committee

  1. (1) The Editorial Committee is composed of nine (9) members, including ICOM’s Head of Publications and the NFMK’s Director of Folklore as ex-officio members. Each member, including the ex-officio members, shall be entitled to one (1) vote.
  2. (2) The Governing Board shall appoint members of the Editorial Committee and take geographical diversity and gender balance into consideration, and NFMK shall commission them.
  3. (3) The Editor-in-Chief shall be appointed among members of the Editorial Committee, and approved by the Governing Board. The term of the members of the Editorial Committee, including the Editor-in-Chief, is three (3) years and each may serve up to two (2) consecutive terms.
  4. (4) The Editorial Committee in office may recommend candidates for the next term of the of the Editorial Committee from among the experts in relevant fields of folklore, anthropology, intangible cultural heritage studies and museum studies.
  5. (5) In case of a vacancy of a position within the Editorial Committee, the Governing Board shall appoint, upon the recommendation of the remaining members of the Editorial Committee, a new member to complete the term of office.
  6. (6) The Editorial Committee shall meet once a year at an appropriate date before the launch of the publication process, preferably at the same period as the Governing Board.

5.2. Duties of the Editorial Committee

  1. (1) The members of the Editorial Committee shall perform the functions mentioned below.
    1. a. Final decision on the revision and publication of the IJIH's contribution papers;
    2. b. Drafting and launching the call for papers;
    3. c. Proposal of themes for each issue of the IJIH;
    4. d. Proposal of special contribution and book review authors;
    5. e. Promotion of the publication of the IJIH;
    6. f. Processing the objections on review of manuscripts;

Article 6 (IJIH Secretariat)

6.1. Organisation and Composition of the IJIH Secretariat

  1. (1) The IJIH Secretariat (hereinafter "the Secretariat") shall be established in the Folklore Research Department of the National Folk Museum of Korea, under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of the Republic of Korea.
  2. (2) The Director of the Folklore Research Department shall take on the role of the Secretary General and the 1st Academic Research Officer in charge shall take on the role of the Deputy General. One (1) 2nd Academic Research Officer and one (1) Academic Researcher shall be appointed as assistants. They will assume these functions during the period of their tenure in the Folklore Research Department.
  3. (3) The Secretary General represents the Secretariat and oversees the affairs of the Secretariat. The term of the Secretary General shall be the period during which the Director of the Folklore Research Department holds the relevant title.
  4. (4) The Secretariat attends the meetings of the Governing Board and Editorial Committee and performs administrative tasks related to publication.

6.2. Duties of the IJIH Secretariat

  1. (1) The Secretariat shall perform the functions mentioned below:
    1. a. Support to the Governing Board and Editorial Committee;
    2. b. Publication, distribution and operation of the IJIH;
    3. c. Report on publication and performance of the IJIH at the annual ICOM meeting;
    4. d. Operation and management of the IJIH website;
    5. e. Other IJIH-related work.

Article 7 (Publication)

7.1 Content and Format of the manuscript

  1. (1) Regarding the content of the IJIH, potential authors may submit academic and research papers and reviews, viewpoints and book reviews.
  2. (2) The format of the manuscripts should follow the IJIH guidelines adopted by the Editor in Chief after consultation with the Editorial Committee. Potential authors may submit academic and research articles and reviews of the academic articles of maximum 8,000 words; and short notes of maximum 5,000 words. However, if deemed necessary, exceptions may apply to viewpoints, columns and book reviews.
  3. (3) If necessary, potential authors may submit manuscripts with photographs, images and illustrations for which they have obtained the necessary permission to publish in IJIH.

7.2 Conditions for submitting a manuscript

  1. (1) The manuscripts submitted to the IJIH must be original works relating to intangible heritage and may not have been published or presented elsewhere previously. If the manuscript submitted to the IJIH has been published in other academic journals or if the submission turns out to be a double-submission, or if a proposed paper raises ethical issues, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to cancel the publication of said manuscripts and to refuse the relevant authors’ submission for 3 consecutive years.
  2. (2) Submission by a same author more than twice annually to the IJIH is not allowed.
  3. (3) When a potential author makes a submission to the IJIH, it is highly recommended that the author submits his/her submission on the IJIH website including an abstract (250 words), keywords, images, illustrations, the Agreement on the Collection and Use of Personal Information, and the Ethics Regulation Statement. Submitted reference files, such as images or video clips for which the author holds the copyright, can be uploaded to the journal’s website for a better understanding of the article.
  4. (4) The call for papers is primarily intended to be announced to the public and distributed to the ICOM network, ICOM KOREA and the IJIH’s website. Staff members of the IJIH publication secretariat or members of the Governing Board and the Editorial Committee may be entitled to ask professionals in the field to submit manuscripts on a special theme.
  5. (5) Members of the Governing Board and the Editorial Committee are not allowed to submit an article to the IJIH during their term of office.
  6. (6) Before the paper is published, the author (including co-authors) shall assign his/her/their copyright to ICOM and NFMK by means of a contract or license for publication, distribution, dissemination, communication, adaptation or any other right deemed necessary for the IJIH.

7.3 Publication process

For any publication of the IJIH, the following process will have to be respected by the Parties involved:

  1. (1) The Governing Board shall decide on the annual theme at ICOM’s Annual Meetings.
  2. (2) Calls for papers will be prepared by the Editorial Committee and shall be disseminated within the networks of the NFMK, ICOM and ICOM Korea. The call for papers should contain all the necessary information as well as submission deadlines for potential authors.
  3. (3) Once the call for papers is sent out, the proposals are sent directly to the IJIH Secretariat by the potential authors.
  4. (4) The Editorial Committee is responsible for the review and editorial process as detailed in Article 9 of the Publication Policy.
  5. (5) The IJIH shall be published on the 31st of May of each year; however, this date may be changed with the agreements of the Governing Board according to the schedule of ICOM General Assembly.

Article 8 (Review commission and refereeing)

  1. (1) The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for providing a ranking of the manuscripts submitted for the theme of the IJIH.
  2. (2)He/she will appoint a review commission for each issue of the IJIH composed of at least one (1) Member of the Editorial Committee and two (2) external referees hereinafter referred to as “peer reviewers”) who will make independent recommendations on the ranking prior to the meeting of the Editorial Commission.
    These referees are professionals in the subject or field.

Article 9 (Review and Editorial process)

  1. (1) Decisions regarding the publication of articles shall be made by the Editorial Committee based on comments provided by the peer reviewers, as described in the evaluation table in the Annex.
  2. (2) The selected authors will be contacted by the Editor-in-Chief who will give precise instructions and deadlines to be respected.
  3. (3) The Editor-in-Chief and the corresponding members of the Editorial Committee reserve the right to request revisions from the author so that the article is suitable for publication.
  4. (4) The potential authors shall revise the article in accordance with the IJIH guidelines and the evaluation result of the peer reviewers. However, if the review is not acceptable to the author, the author may file an objection immediately.
  5. (5) The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to decide on the academic relevance of the submitted manuscripts and not to discuss, at the meeting of the Editorial Committee, manuscripts that do not meet the academic standards or that do not relate to intangible heritage. In such cases, the Editor-in-Chief will forward the submitted manuscripts to the authors with the referees' comments and report to the Editorial Committee and the NFMK within one (1) month.
  6. (6) The evaluation and ranking criteria to be taken into consideration by the peer reviewers are as follows:
    1. a. Academic relevance of the theme;
    2. b. Academic relevance of the research method;
    3. c. Professionalism and level of technical description;
    4. d. The research carried out and logic of the outcome;
    5. e. Academic contribution of the research outcome;
    6. f. Author Research Ethics and Instructions to Contributors;

Article 10 (Funding)

10.1 General funding

  1. (1) The NFMK shall establish a budget for the IJIH and be financially responsible for all costs related to the publication of the journal such as but not limited to printing, translating, and distribution. In the event that this situation should evolve according to the NFMK’s financial situation, this agreement will have to be revised between the Parties.

10.2 Reimbursement

  1. (1) Air fare and per diems will be provided to the Editor-in-Chief when attending the meeting of the Editorial Committee. The costs will be covered by the NFMK.
  2. (2) Air fare and per diems will be provided to Members of the Editorial Committee coming from countries benefiting from the Official Development Assistance.
  3. (3) Per diems shall be provided to the Members of the Editorial Committee who are not eligible under Article 10.2 (1) and (2). The costs will be covered by the NFMK.
  4. (4) Fees shall be paid to the referees. The costs will be covered by the NMFK.

Article 11 (Format)

  1. (1) The IJIH shall be published in English and Korean editions, while English editions shall be published in paper and electronic format and Korean editions shall be published only as electronic format.

Article 12 (Publication and distribution)

  1. (1) The NFMK and ICOM have the right to distribute and publish the IJIH in paper or electronic version.
  2. (2) The IJIH is not for sale and shall be distributed to major international and national museums and university libraries, national libraries, UNESCO and its National Commissions, ICOM and its Members.

Article 13 (Others)

Matters not included in this Policy shall be subject to consultation with NFMK, ICOM, ICOM Korea and the Governing Board.